I have to admit I am heavily biased in medico-legalphotography. I strongly believe ALL medico-legal photography should bestandardised by the use of qualified clinical photographers nationwide. Iam biased as I am a clinical photographer at Leeds Teaching Hospitals anddirector of the company Clinical Photography UK (www.clinicalphotography.co.uk), which is a medico-legalagency specialising in expert photography reports for Personal Injury andClinical Negligence claims.
My bias however, does not take away from the argument that aclinical photographer is the obvious expert witness choice to document aclaimants injuries, yet we remain relatively un-used.
Through a series of blogs and published articles, I hope to explainwhy this should not be the case, and campaign for the future standardisation of medico-legalphotography by qualified clinical photographers. I hope to provide insight into the current standard ofphotographic evidence in Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence claims, andhow it can be improved.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or would like information on any of the subjects posted, please contact me via email: info@clinicalphotography.co.uk